In an enterprise such as the building of the atomic bomb the difference between ideas, hopes, suggestions and theoretical calculations, and solid numbers based on measurement, is paramount. All …
People often assume that theoretical mathematical calculations and computer simulations will work well enough that machines or experiments will work successfully the first time or at most within a …
The Manhattan Project which developed the atomic bomb during World War II is the exemplar of modern Big Science. Numerous mostly unsuccessful modern scientific megaprojects have been promoted and …
There is a new online initiative called We Use Math, which is meant to address and answer one of the most common questions that high school students have: when …
The Game of Life is a simple cellular automaton invented by mathematician John Conway. The Game of Life consists of a two dimensional grid of cells. Each cell can …
An associative array, also known as a dictionary, map, mapping, or hash table, is a powerful data structure that is built into many modern programming languages such as Python, …
At least since Sputnik in 1957, various tests and reports such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) have asserted that students in the United States …
Introduction This is the fourth article in an occasional series of articles about Octave, a free open-source numerical programming environment that is mostly compatible with MATLAB. This series began …
Outliers: The Story of Success (USA | UK | CANADA) Malcolm Gladwell Little, Brown, and Company, New York, 2008 309 pages Outliers is the 2008 bestseller written by New …
We’d love to hear from you about how we’re doing and what we can do to improve things here at Math Blog. We’d also like to learn a bit …