The MathBlog age calculator is your go-to tool for uncovering answers to pondering questions like, “How old am I today?”, “What was my age on this specific day?” or “How old will I be in 2050?“
How Old Am I Calculator
The age calculator allows you to explore How Old Am I in various time units, ranging from milliseconds to years, helping you satisfy your curiosity about:
- What is my exact age?
- How many days have I lived?
- How many months old am I?
- How many weeks have passed since I was born?
How to Calculate Your Age
Getting started is as simple as entering your birth date. Whether you want to calculate your current age or see how old you were on a specific date, our tool handles all the math for you. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you dive in:
- Enter your birth date: You can type it in (e.g., 10/02/1995 for “Feb 10, 1995”) or pick it from a calendar. See the small icon next to it.
- Set the target date: By default, the calculator will show your age as of today. However, you can choose any past or future date to see how old you were—or will be—at that time.
- Choose the time unit: Want to know your age in weeks, days, or even seconds? Select your preferred unit, and the calculator will provide an exact answer.
How Old Am I Today?
Let’s learn how to calculate your age manually, without using an age calculator. For this example, we’ll assume today is September 12, 2024, and you were born on March 20, 1998. Here’s how to work it out:
- Start with your birth date and go forward to your last birthday.
Your most recent birthday was on March 20, 2024, so subtract the years:- 2024 – 1998 = 26 years.
- Now that we’re on March 20, 2024, add as many full months as you can without going past today’s date.
- From March 20, 2024, adding 5 full months takes us to August 20, 2024.
- Lastly, count the remaining days from August 20, 2024, to September 12, 2024.
- That’s 23 days.
So, by adding everything together, you are 26 years, 5 months, and 23 days old on September 12, 2024.
How old will I be in 2050?
Calculating your age for a future date works just like it does for a past date. In the age calculator, simply adjust the default current date to a future one.
For example, if you were born on August 30, 1982, and you’re curious, “How old will I be in 2050?”:
- Enter your birth date (you can type in “30 08 1982”).
- Change the “Calculate age on” field to any date in 2050, such as January 1, 2050.

The calculator will instantly tell you that on New Year’s Day 2050, you’ll be 67 years, 4 months, and 2 days old.
FAQs About Age Calculations
How many days are there in 15 years?
To convert 15 years into days, multiply 15 by the average number of days in a year (365.25 to account for leap years). The answer? 5,478.75 days.
How many months are in 3 years?
There are exactly 36 months in three years, as each year consistently has 12 months, regardless of whether it’s a leap year.
How long ago was 2017?
As of 2024, 2017 was seven years ago. When the calendar turns to 2025, it will be eight years since 2017.
What is my age if I’ve lived for 10,000 days?
If you’ve been alive for 10,000 days, you are around 27 years and 138 to 139 days old, depending on whether you’ve experienced 6 or 7 leap years. Alternatively, that equates to about 27 years, 4 months, and somewhere between 15 and 19 days, depending on the months in question.
What is my age if I was born in 1983?
As of 2024, if you were born in 1983, you are either 40 or 41 years old, depending on whether your birthday has passed this year or not.
How old are you if you were born in 1999?
If you were born in 1999, subtract 1999 from the current year. For example, in 2024 you’re either 24 or 25 years old, depending on whether you’ve celebrated your birthday yet.
What year was I born if I am 21 years old?
If you’re 21 years old in 2024, you were born in either 2002 or 2003. If your birthday has already passed this year, you were born in 2003, otherwise, it was 2002.
What is my age if I was born in 1964?
In 2024, if you were born in 1964, you are either 59 or 60 years old. If you’ve already celebrated your birthday this year, you’re 60; if not, you’re 59.