The MathBlog percentage point calculator is a tool is designed to help you easily find the percentage point difference between two percentages. Whether you’re analyzing data, comparing statistics, or studying trends, our calculator simplifies these calculations.
Percentage point calculator
Percentage point difference
\( P2 - P1 \)
Percent difference
\( \frac {(P2 - P1)}{P1} \)
What is a Percentage Point?
A percentage point is a unit for expressing the absolute difference between two percentage values. It helps in understanding the exact difference between percentages without the confusion that can arise from relative percentage changes. For example, an increase from 20% to 25% is a 5 percentage point increase, not a 5% increase.
How to Calculate Percentage Points
Calculating percentage points involves a straightforward arithmetic operation. Here’s the process:
- Identify the Two Percentage Values: Determine the initial percentage (Percentage 1) and the final percentage (Percentage 2) you want to compare.
- Subtract the Initial Percentage from the Final Percentage: This gives you the absolute difference in percentage points.
\( \text{Percentage Points} = \text{Percentage 2} – \text{Percentage 1} \)

Example Calculation
Example 1: Voter Turnout
Suppose voter turnout was 55% in the last election and increased to 65% in the current election. To find the percentage point increase:
- Identify the Percentages:
\( \text{Percentage 1} = 55\%, \quad \text{Percentage 2} = 65\% \) - Calculate the Difference:
\( \text{Percentage Points} = 65\% – 55\% = 10 \text{ percentage points} \)
So, the voter turnout increased by 10 percentage points.
Example 2: Graduation Rates
Imagine a school had a graduation rate of 78% last year and this year it is 83%. To determine the percentage point difference:
- Identify the Percentages:
\( \text{Percentage 1} = 78\%, \quad \text{Percentage 2} = 83\% \) - Calculate the Difference:
\( \text{Percentage Points} = 83\% – 78\% = 5 \text{ percentage points} \)
Thus, the graduation rate increased by 5 percentage points.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the difference between percentage points and percent?
- Percentage Points: Indicate the absolute difference between two percentages. For example, moving from 40% to 50% is a 10 percentage point increase.
- Percent: Refers to a relative change. For example, increasing from 40% to 50% is a 25% increase relative to the original 40%.
2. Can percentage points be negative?
- Yes, if the final percentage is less than the initial percentage, the difference will be negative, indicating a decrease.
3. How are percentage points used in real-life scenarios?
- Education: Comparing graduation rates or test scores over different years.
- Health: Assessing changes in vaccination rates or disease prevalence.
- Finance: Evaluating changes in interest rates or investment returns.