Watch Khan Academy on your mobile device

Khan Academy is an amazing non-for-profit project that’s chock full of mathematics, science, and other educational videos. Wide coverage, excellent explanations, and the fact that’s 100% free to use, have made this site a huge success and helped attract donations and praise from many, including philanthropist Bill Gates.

Khan AppBut I’m not here to talk about this terrific and very well known project per se. Instead I want to tell you about the fact that a major fan of the project released a nice looking application for Android, iPhone, and iPad, that enables you to watch and study Khan Academy videos while you’re on the go.

To install it, all you have to do is visit using the device you want to install this app on.

Khan App is brand new and while it’s still a bit rough around the edges, it shows definite promise. Even the folks at the Khan Academy team took notice and suggested (in a technical forum) that the author should get in touch with them to collaborate and further improve the application.

This useful application, much like the videos themselves, is absolutely free and you can pick it up here.

Sponsor’s message: Check out Math Better Explained, an elegant and insightful ebook that will help you see math in a new light and experience more of those awesome “aha!” moments when ideas suddenly click.

One Response

  1. Mr Math September 11, 2016

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