The Joy of Stats is an hour long BBC documentary by Professor Hans Rosling, in which he illustrates the beauty and importance of statistics as a means of understanding the world and society in which we live. This documentary is now available for the first time to audiences worldwide:
(Tip of the hat to Flowing Data & Revolutions)
been subscribed for some time, really nice blog, not updated every second(*relief*) and when it is, its with nice content
I suppose I’m picking nits here, but David McCandless, characterized as a
“data designer”, was quoted saying that spending on the Iraq war had grown “exponentially” since 1993. Since only 2 data points (1993 and 2010 or so) were shown, there was no evidence presented for what kind of growth was exhibited; it could have been linear.
But despite that, what he and the entire show presented was entertaining and appeared authoritative. It was a fun, inspirational look at a subject some people find boring, and I loved it!
yahts the beautiful math
watched first 40 minutes on 1/1, now went on line to watch last 20 minutes, and it says “this is a private video. if you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the senders friend request”.
Your web site sent this to me, how can i watch the final 20 minutes now?
Sadly, it looks like it’s been pulled. 🙁