Happy Pi Day!

Pi is a remarkable number and represents, in the collective mind, the field of mathematics better than any other number. Today is March 14 (or 3/14 when written in the generally used American date format), a day that is celebrated by many as Pi Day. This date is important not so much because we are obsessed with a number, however irrational that may be, but rather because it brings mathematics and science into the spotlight – a place where these areas of human understanding should truly be more often.

I wrote about this event last year when a House Resolution was passed in favor of recognizing National Pi Day. The world is changing, and I feel that we’re slowly starting to see greater mainstream acceptance of how mathematics plays a vital role in some many of major fields.

Deep down, even students who claim to hate mathematics are aware of its importance and relevance in today’s world. With the attention recent Pi Days have generated, it’s clear that this “holiday” is becoming more and more mainstream, and not something that’s limited to a bunch of math geeks like us.

A quick look at Twitter, reveals that “Happy Pi Day” is a trendy topic, with literally thousands of tweets mentioning it. Even Google decided to honor this day by dedicating one of their logos to the occasion.

Google's logo for pi day

Year after year, awareness about this day continues to rise, which I feel is absolutely great for mathematics in general. But let’s transcend politics for a moment and enjoy our geeky day. Happy Pi Day to all of you! Tomorrow I’ll post about the new page I’ve been preparing for a while. It took scores of research, brainstorming and writing, but it’s almost ready. See you soon.

Pi paraphernalia
Pi movie | Pi biography | Pi T-shirt | Spiral Pi T-shirt | PI To The 50th Decimal Tie


  1. Gullit March 14, 2010
  2. NealAbq March 14, 2010
    • Antonio Cangiano March 14, 2010
  3. Gail March 17, 2010
  4. Promart May 15, 2010
    • Abhiroop May 30, 2010

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