Question: I’m trying to calculate what percentage is 11 out of 15. How do I do that?

MathBlog: A percent tells us how many parts out of 100 something is. To write a percent as a fraction, just remove the percent symbol and write the number over 100 as the denominator. Below we explain what is 11 out of 15 in percentage, and how you calculate it.

What is 11/15 in percentage?

Answer: 11 is 73.33% out of 15.

We have two methods to figure out what is 11/15 in percent, with steps for easy understanding.

Method 1: Long division with remainder

Calculate \( 11:15 \)

  1. 15 enters into 11, 0 times, remainder 11
    Result (ongoing) = 0.
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 110. Now calculate 110 : 15
  2. 15 enters into 110, 7 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.7
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  3. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.73
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  4. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.733
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  5. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.7333
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  6. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.73333
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  7. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.733333
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  8. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.7333333
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  9. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.73333333
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15
  10. 15 enters into 50, 3 times, remainder 5
    Result (ongoing) = 0.733333333
    Multiply the remainder by 10 to get 50. Now calculate 50 : 15

Now you multiply the reults by 100 \( (0.733333333 \times 100 = 73.333333333333 ) \) and you get 73.333333333333%.

Solution: 11 out of 15 equals 73.333333333333%.

Method 2: Using fractions

Calculate \( P(\text{%}) = \frac{ 11 }{ 15 } \times 100 \)

  1. We need to get the fraction to be of the type \( \frac{ P }{ 100 } \times 100 \)

  2. In our case we need \( \frac { 11 \times x }{ 15 \times x } \times 100 \)

    That means \( 15 \times x = 100 \)

    \( x = \frac{100}{ 15 } = 6.6666666666667 \)

  3. Our fraction is now \( \frac { 11 \times 6.6666666666667 }{ 15 \times 6.6666666666667 } \times 100 \)

  4. We know that the denominator \( 15 \times 6.6666666666667 = 100 \) so we construct the fraction again.

    \( P = \frac { 11 \times 6.6666666666667 }{100} \times 100 \)
    \(= 11 \times 6.6666666666667 \)

  5. Since \( 11 \times 6.6666666666667 = 73.333333333333 \), we have our result
    \( P = 73.333333333333 \).

Solution: 11 out of 15 equals 73.333333333333%.

Calculate other numbers

Calculate percentage of two numbers