Absolute difference measures the distance between any two numbers on a real line, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. The absolute difference is equal with the absolute value of the difference and it’s a result that is always a positive number or zero.

To use the MathBlog absolute difference calculator, enter any two real numbers for \( x \) and \( y \) below and hit Calculate to get the result along with the detailed steps of the calculation.

Absolute Difference Calculator

\( | x - y | = ? \)

How to calculate the absolute difference by hand

Example 1

Find the absolute difference between -7 and 18:

\( | x – y | = | (-7) – 18 | = | -25 | = 25. \)

The absolute difference between -7 and 18 is 25.

Example 2

Find the absolute difference between -7 and -18:

\( | x – y | = | (-7) – (-18) | = | -7 + 18 | = | 11 | = 11. \)

The absolute difference between -7 and -18 is 11.

Example 3

Find the absolute difference between 7 and 18:

\( | x – y | = | 7 – 18 | = | -11 | = 11. \)

The absolute difference between 7 and 18 is 11.