The Number of Days Calculator is a useful tool that helps you quickly calculate how many days are between two given dates. Whether you want to calculate the amount of days that have passed since an important date or find the number of days left until an upcoming event, this calculator makes it easy. You can even check how many days are in July, or November.

Number of Days Calculator


How to Use the Number of Days Calculator

To calculate the amount of days between two dates, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the calendar icon or the input field in the “From” section.
  2. Select the starting date. You can easily switch between months and years using the arrows.
  3. Next, click on the calendar icon or input field in the “To” section.
  4. Pick the end date.

The calculator will automatically display the result in days by default. If needed, you can switch the result to different units, such as weeks or months.

By default, the calculation excludes the final day, which is useful for scenarios like trip durations. To include the last day in your calculation, simply enable the “Include End Date” option.

How to Calculate How Many Days are Between Two Dates

Calculating how many days fall between two dates may seem simple, but depending on the dates and the span of time, the process can become more complex. Let’s break down some examples to make it easier.

Note: The following examples exclude the end date. To include it, simply add one day to the final count.

Example 1: Same Month, Same Year

When both dates occur in the same month and year, the calculation is straightforward. You subtract the earlier date from the later date.

For instance, if you’re calculating the number of days between November 3, 2024, and November 20, 2024, the result would be:

20 − 3 = 17 days.

Example 2: Same Year, Different Months

When the dates fall in different months but within the same year, calculate the days from January 1 to each date, then subtract the results.

Example: April 5, 2024, to August 15, 2024.

From January 1 to April 5:
31 (January) + 29 (February, as 2024 is a leap year) + 31 (March) + 5 (April) = 96 days.

From January 1 to August 15:
31 (January) + 29 (February) + 31 (March) + 30 (April) + 31 (May) + 30 (June) + 31 (July) + 15 (August) = 228 days.

Now, subtract the two results:
228 − 96 = 132 days.

Example 3: Different Years

If the dates span across different years, you need to calculate the days left in the starting year, the days passed in the final year, and the total days for any full years in between.

Example: Calculate the number of days between September 10, 2019, and March 5, 2022.

From September 10, 2019, to December 31, 2019:
30 (September) − 10 + 31 (October) + 30 (November) + 31 (December) = 112 days.

From January 1, 2022, to March 5, 2022:
31 (January) + 28 (February) + 5 (March) = 64 days.

The full calendar years between 2020 and 2021 contribute:
366 days (2020, leap year) + 365 days (2021) = 731 days.

Now, add them all together:
112 + 64 + 731 = 907 days.